Mosquée de Camlica

><Mosquée de Camlica
La mosquée Çamlıca (turc :Çamlıca Camii) est une mosquée d'Istanbul et la plus grande mosquée de Turquie. La mosquée peut accueillir 63 000 personnes et comprend un centre historique, une exposition d'art, une bibliothèque, un couloir de réunion et un parking souterrain pour 3 500 véhicules.La mosquée Çamlıca a été conçue par deux femmes ingénieurs, Bahar Mızrak et Hayriye Gül Totu, prévu pour un coût d'environ 150 millions de TL (66,5 millions de dollars américains). La longueur des quatre minarets de la mosquée est de 107,1 mètres, une estimation qui fait allusion à la bataille de Manzikert (1071) entre les Seldjoukides et l'Empire byzantin.La mosquée est l'un des nombreux mégaprojets du gouvernement turc visant à démontrer la force de l'économie et à laisser un héritage au parti AKP au pouvoir. Le président turc Erdoğan a déclaré dans son introduction :« Si un poney s'en va, il quitte sa place, si un homme donne un coup de pied dans le se

The Çamlıca Mosque was initiated on 4 May 2019 by Turkish President Erdoğan. A few world pioneers were available at the function including Senegalese President Macky Sall, Guinean President Alpha Conde, Albanian president Ilir Meta, Palestinian Top state leader Mohammad Shtayyeh and other unfamiliar dignitaries.

Istanbul's arranged Çamlıca Mosque will be a "female-accommodating mosque," as per its two female modelers, Bahar Mızrak and Hayriye Gül Totu, who have a financial plan of around 150 million Turkish Liras for the project.The new mosque, which will be the biggest throughout the entire existence of the Turkish Republic, will utilize "positive segregation for ladies," said Metin Külünk, the development specialist and leader of the mosque's foundation."There will be a different spot for ladies to perform ablutions and a lift to take them to where they can implore. Ladies can likewise utilize a helpful childcare room," Külünk told Anadolu Office.

Expected for a 3 hectare region in the Üsküdar locale of Istanbul, the Çamlıca Mosque will likewise incorporate an exceptional region for the impaired, a stage from where guests can notice petitions, an Islamic workmanship exhibition and historical center, a library and a vehicle leave for 3,500 vehicles. A passage will likewise be built between the mosque and the closest neighborhood to permit more individuals to arrive at it and stay away from gridlock, as per day to day Cumhuriyet. The three-kilometer-long passage will associate Çamlıca Slope and Libadiye Crossing, and was examined in a new Istanbul More noteworthy Region meeting.

The region committee's individuals from the primary resistance Conservative Individuals' Party (CHP) wouldn't talk about the passage proposition, while the decision Equity and Improvement Party (AKP) individuals casted a ballot "yes." The undertaking will before long be decided on by the district. Yunus Can, a region committee part from the CHP, told everyday Cumhuriyet that blockage will be unavoidable at the passageways of the passage and it won't be judicious spending for a long term benefit.

The disputable mosque, which is viewed as one of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's unmistakable tasks, has been generally condemned for its area on the green Çamlıca Slope and for being an extraordinarily enormous venture that doesn't seem to fill a requirement for local people nearby. The undertaking chiefs have said they maintain that the mosque should be seen from most pieces of the city and furthermore say it will have the most elevated minaret.Meanwhile, in Denmark, a female-accommodating mosque is likewise wanted to be underlying the nation's second-biggest city, Aarhus. Development will start in 2016 in the event that the neighborhood district settles on "a respectable area for the mosque," said the task's Turkish engineer, Metin Aydın.

He said the mosque's plan was a blend of Ottoman Islamic design and the nearby customs of Denmark and Scandinavia. Offices at the mosque will incorporate a different petitioning heaven space for 600 ladies in the focal lobby and administrations, for example, a vehicle park and jungle gym for youngsters that will "make the opportunities for additional ladies to go to the mosque." Perceiving that customarily a greater number of men visited mosques than ladies, Aydın said "we need to change this;we believe that ladies should be equivalent as far as having the chance of going to mosques."

Arranging started in 2000 and from that point forward all areas set forward for the 3,000 square-meter space have been turned somewhere near the Aarhus District, said Aydın, asserting that the main deterrent they confronted was "political." "The mosque in Aarhus will have a place with every single Muslim man and ladies, in light of the fact that the local area here incorporates individuals of totally different beginnings:Turkish, Danish, African, Center Eastern, Kurdish and individuals from the Balkans." The structure will cost roughly 6 million euros.

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